Breast Lift

What is Mastopexy and how is it performed?

Breast Lift - Mastopexy

The cosmetic procedure known as augmentation mastopexy involves removing excess fatty tissue from the chest wall and reshaping the breasts to the desired size and shape. Augments are often performed to correct asymmetry or irregularities in the breasts caused by pregnancy or lactation.

They are also used to increase volume and improve projection. Breast implants are usually placed under the skin and under the muscle layer of the chest. Your surgeon can help you determine what type of procedure best suits your needs.

Why is a Mastopexy performed?

It is a cosmetic surgery and there are different types, increase, reduction, reconstruction and lifting. Breast augmentation is adding volume to the breasts. Reduction consists of reducing the size of the breasts. Reconstruction includes reconstruction of the nipple area and/or areola. The lifting consists of elevating the nipples.

Some women undergo cosmetic breast surgery to correct problems such as asymmetry, ptosis, and scarring.

Women often undergo breast lifts to lift sagging, sagging breasts. Breast implants are used to increase the size of the breasts; if you have small breasts, pregnancy, lactation and normal aging can cause the skin to stretch and the breasts to shrink, making them saggy. A breast lift can help achieve a firmer, more active appearance.


You will probably have to wait to have cosmetic breast surgery if you are planning to lose weight. Your body needs to recover from the surgery and you won't be able to exercise while you recover.


The risks of anesthesia and surgery are varied and you need to be aware of them to know if you want to have the procedure. Here are some of the most common:

Drug reactions

Anesthesia drugs cause reactions such as nausea, vomiting, dizziness, confusion, hallucinations, drowsiness, dry mouth, sweating, chills, fever, chills, and muscle cramps. Some people experience allergic reactions to certain types of medications. These include hives, itching, swelling around the eyes, wheezing, shortness of breath, and chest tightness.

Who can have a Mastopexy?

In principle, breast lift surgery is aimed at women who suffer from sagging breasts due to pregnancy, childbirth, menopause, lactation, aging or genetics. However, undergoing a mastopexy does not in any way affect the possibility of producing milk later in future pregnancies if you decide to breastfeed the baby.

The breast lift operation consists of lifting the nipple, correcting the position of the glandular tissue and tightening the tissues that surround it. This allows the nipple to be straight again and gives a better projection.

When deciding whether to undergo this type of surgery, the first thing to keep in mind is that there is no risk of complications during pregnancy or problems related to lactation.

The reconstructive plastic surgery specialist will carry out a complete analysis, determining the chances of success, ruling out possible risks, and explaining the preoperative period, the intervention itself, possible adverse reactions, postoperative care and recovery.

Before the procedure:

Ask if you need a preoperative mammogram. A mammogram is a test used to look for signs of breast cancer. The doctor may recommend making sure there are no lumps or bumps that could indicate a bigger problem.

Let your surgeon know if you are or might be expecting a baby. Pregnancy changes the shape of the breasts, making them smaller and rounder. In some cases, pregnancy causes the skin around the nipple to stretch, making the nipple itself larger and more prominent. These changes can affect the amount of tissue that needs to be removed during a mastectomy.

You may require a preoperative mammogram. A test used to detect early signs of breast cancer. Your doctor may recommend it if you're over 40 and don't have a family history of breast cancer.

If you are expecting or might expect a baby, tell your doctor as well as any medications you take, including herbal remedies. Some medications can affect the way your body processes anesthesia during surgery.

The doctor will tell you if you require any additional tests that you may need. For example, some women need a chest X-ray just before the operation.

After the procedure:

You will most likely spend one night in the hospital. Your doctor will instruct you on how to care for yourself at home and what activities you can safely do during recovery. The breasts will be sore and tender, plus some bruising is likely.

A bandage will be applied to the chest area, a gauze pad (bandages) will be applied around the breasts and under the arms. Or it may be a supportive surgical bra.

If you want more information about mastopexy or want to schedule a session, contact us, at Corpus Time we have a professional and specialized team for your needs.

Cosmetic Surgery

Corpus Time México